Cannabis Education
Cannabis education, like coaching, is a professional service that provides expert advice and guidance, but is more consultative in nature. You are still provided with in-depth knowledge and expertise in various areas of the cannabis plant and its many uses, but instead of exploring your relationship with cannabis, focusing on personal development, setting goals, and developing strategies to achieve them, education sessions are more about assisting you in navigating the complex and ever-changing landscape of the cannabis market.
Cannabis education is about helping you make informed decisions by answering your questions and providing you with insight into the most common cannabis confusions - things like the difference between hemp and marijuana, why Indica vs Sativa is not enough when it comes to therapeutic cannabis, figuring out how much to take, understanding the different ways of using cannabis, and learning the difference between various cannabinoids.
Please understand that information in the world of cannabis is vast. An hour is not enough time to delve into your health history, explain everything you may need or want to know about cannabis, discuss the hows and whys of cannabis so you understand what is going on in your body when you consume cannabis, drill down into all of the options available to you for your particular health condition, nor provide guidance on your journey with cannabis. Instead, Cannabis Education is more suited to the following:
~individuals who have specific questions about cannabis use, whether those who are new to cannabis or those who have been using cannabis recreationally and want to better use it medicinally
~people who are comfortable getting the basics then venturing out on their own with minimal support and accountability
~individuals who prefer a pay-as-you-go solution rather than committing to a fixed number of sessions
Investment: $139 for 1 hour or $239 for 2 hours (add up to 2 more people for $30 per person per hour)
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per session
(639) 997-7957
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**Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and cannot diagnose diseases, illnesses, or ailments, but can assist you with evaluating the risks based on your particular situation.
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